Friday, June 21, 2013

Pass the Prednisone

We've been sort of a sick bunch this week.  I blame it on karma.  I heard someone recently saying they had a Summer cold and I thought to myself I don't even know if there is such a thing you're cray cray.  Well low and behold this sweet tater woke up Saturday night with croup.  I didn't even know you could get croup this time of year,  Apparently I DID NOT miss my calling as a physician. 
You can't tell in the pic but she was feeling really bad.  I think it made her feel better to wear her new Matilda Jane outfit.  That alone totally makes it worth every penny I spent on it. Wait, maybe not?  Definitely not.  I have only recently been introduced to MJ, and I can see if I were a wealthy woman we might have a propitious relationship.  Alas, that just cannot be.  Anyway, B took E to the doc and she got Rx's for Prednisone and Zithromax.  The Prednisone was a little on the expensive side, but it perked her right up and she was able to breath again.  Hallelujah.  A funny story about E being sick.  She woke up in the night coughing really bad and crying.  I was trying to calm her and she pushed me away and screamed out "I WANT MICHAEL...I WANT MICHAEL."  She somehow thought her seven year old brother would be more helpful than me?!  What am I chopped liver?  I don't even know if that makes sense, but it felt right to say.

Monday AM the dog started shaking his head around and had what I thought was drainage on the side of his face.  I took him to the vet for an ear infection.  Turns out the "drainage" was actually a hot spot he had developed due to allergies.  It appears I also DID NOT miss my calling as a veterinarian.  And maybe I should make an appointment with the eye doctor.  So dog also had to have Prednisone (in the form of a shot).  I think the shot was almost as expensive as E's Rx.  Good grief.  The vet recommended that I consider putting Sparky on a Rx allergy med.  After I finished laughing I told her that if I had money to spend on Rx meds for my dog I would be spending it on MJ clothes for my little girl instead.  Just kidding.  I didn't say that.  I don't think my vet would appreciate that type of humor.  But in all seriousness I told her the Rx allergy med was definitely a no go.  When she asked why I reminded her who I was married to and she understood. ;)  They had to shave the entire side of Sparky's face so they could treat the spot and get it to stop spreading.  I would post a pic but I know he would never forgive me.  He has been hiding the side of his face all week.  He is so ashamed.  This is a good profile pic that shows the side of his face in all it's furry glory pre-hot spot.
Fast forward to Wednesday and TT had to come home from school early because of a fever.  He seemed fine once he got home, but then threw up once later that night.  Today he has been just fine again.  So the jury is still out on what exactly might be wrong with him.  If I were a physician (or even a veterinarian) I would guess it will NOT require Prednisone.  Hehe.
Aside from all the sickness we do have some positive healthy stuff happening.  M has been taking swimming lessons this week.  We did private instead of group lessons this year and I think they are much more productive.  I love watching the life guards at the pool.  Even now that I'm older they still seem kinda cool, and I sorta want to be one of them. 
E went with me to one of the lessons earlier this week.  Actually she begged to go and then she ended up wishing she wasn't there.  She moaned around the first ten minutes or so, and then I took her to the concession stand.  Partly because I thought it would hush that fuss, and partly because I have a thing for concession nachos.  Turns out, here comes the LIFE LESSON folks, the concession stand at the pool doesn't take debit cards.  Boom.  E cried...I cried...concession boy looked like he wanted to cry or maybe he just wanted me to GET A GRIP AND STEP AWAY FROM THE CONCESSION WINDOW.  Either way, E and I ended up back in the pool area in the 90+ degree heat with no nachos and no frozen lemonade to cool ourselves.  She eventually grabbed M's towel and stormed off to sit in the shade by herself.
I'm outta here
And because I would hate to leave you with my scorned woman with no nachos story...B was dropping something at my office this afternoon and he brought me a completely unsolicited ice tea from Mcalister's.  Sometimes it really is the little things.  This made my day.  Love that man.  :)
Talk to ya soon,

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Few School Things

Just a quick post to document a couple of school events that happened recently.  :)

Miss E had her end of the year program at pre-school.  Her class sang a few songs and we had a cookie and juice snack in her cafeteria.  Like her brother before her, she was very into the performance.  She let me put her hair in a rockin' side ponytail that morning.  Super cute.  Wish she would let me do her hair more often!
Earlier this week M had his Kindergarten Pirate Adventure. It was my day off so the little taters and I went.  It was so fun and super chaotic.  In the world of a kindergartner I think that means it was a huge success.  M was so sweet to E and let her walk around with him all morning.  I could see him telling her what to do every step of the way.  That boy likes to tell someone what to do.  Must get that from his dad.  ;)  How cute is the photo booth pic and the hand holding in the bottom one?  TT is really digging holding hands right now.  Awww.
Talk to ya soon,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Lovin' - Pants Optional

It has finally started feeling like Summer around here.  I love the hot weather and all the outdoor fun that comes with this time of the year.  We had a great weekend and it felt like the perfect way to get things kicked off.  

Thursday evening a fella was baling hay in the field behind our house.  The taters and I climbed up in their play set to watch.  They loved getting to see the baler in action.  One of the interesting things about NWA is you can be in your neighborhood yard and right behind your house folks will be baling hay and raising cows.
Friday morning we had our friend Jessica and her sweet girls over to play.  The photo below is her oldest, but she also has an itty bitty baby girl who I got to love on a bit!  The taters has a blast showing Miss Z their backyard domain.
Later that afternoon I was playing outside with the taters, well maybe it was more like relaxing outside while the taters played...actually it doesn't matter.  Point is I was in my privacy fenced back yard with  no houses behind me when I  realized I was wearing leggings so my ole white limbs weren't getting any sun.  If you've seen my legs you know it would be a terrible injustice for me to deny them even the slightest ray of sun, but I was too lazy to run inside and change.  The sun will do that do a momma.  So...I just slid the leggings off and made myself comfy in my tunic and undies for a bit!  Act shocked if you must, but this is basically the same outfit I see most teenage girls wearing in public nowadays.  I think I'm basically right on trend for Summer 2013.  :)

Friday night M had his last baseball game of the season.  It was one of the best games he has played so I was happy for him to end on a good note.  I didn't get a pic, but this was him and his good friend L at one of their games earlier this season.  Love these boys!
Saturday we met my mom and sista at the square and did a quick tour of the new 21C Museum.  I think I may have been the only person in town who had not been in to check it out yet.  I am no art connoisseur.  There were things I thought were really interesting and things I thought were really weird.  It was definitely fun to look around.  We all loved the room with the projector screen and the huge furry pouf to lay on.
After lunch we headed to the splash park for the first time this year.  Last year TT was not into it at all.  This year he loves it!  M practiced planking quite a bit while we were there.  Boys!  This little collage is brought to you by the photo app on my new phone.  You're welcome.
B worked extra shifts all last week for Wal-Mart shareholders events so we were all excited to have him home Saturday night. We went to eat at McAlister's.  M was really disappointed to see a big commercial building being constructed in the field beside the patio.  We used to let the kids run around in the field when they were done eating.  Yes, we are those people.  Anyway, he had a real They paved paradise And put up a parking lot moment right there on the patio.  Poor guy.  Ellie's face in this photo pretty much sums up the way we all felt to have B with us Saturday evening.  B's "little eye" is pretty obvious in the picture!
Sunday we went to church and ate dinner with B's family.  Then we farmed the taters out to the grandparents so we could go on a little date.  ♥♥♥  M and E went to my parents and TT stayed at the Farrer's.  We did a little shopping and saw The Great Gatsby.  It wasn't at all what I thought it would be, but it was fun to be out with my love. 

Hope you've had a bright beginning to your Summer.  M's kindergarten graduation is tomorrow...eek!

Talk to ya soon,