Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Whole Lot of Not Much

I've been busy the past few weeks and haven't had time to post.  Unfortunately, I can't really remember what it is that I was so busy doing.  I don't have anything exciting to talk about.  I think I'm in one of those spells where I'm doing a whole lot of not much.  I talked to a friend the other day who said he was still stuck in 2012.  Based on my having very little recollection of the past couple weeks I think I might be stuck there too.

After that intro I am sure you can't wait to find out what fascinating things I must have to share.

We had some nice weather (always exciting to open with the weather), and the kids played outside a bit.  R loves riding in the back of the jeep.  He is just a little bit crazy.  He only fell out once or twice maybe a handful of times.  Going forward he should probably wear a helmet. 
The littles also got to play at the mall playground while M went to a Build A Bear birthday party.  He brought home his third bear "Camo".  He is already trying to coerce me into buying new clothes for Camo, and I have made it clear that I absolutely refuse to buy any new BAB clothes until they grow out of the ones they already have.  :)  :)

 The above photos were taken right before E through a HUGE fit over my not letting her go to BAB and get a new bear like M.  It was a fall out on the ground kicking and screaming fit.  I was embarrassed.  I may have for just a split second wished she was not mine.  I panicked and, in a true show of my expert parenting skills, bribed her with new shoes, sunglasses, cookies, and a slushee.  I know, I know...I am creating a monster.
The Tyrant Tater got a new booster seat (it just gets more and more riveting today) and I have seen a huge improvement in his eating.  I think he likes sitting at the table with us instead of in his highchair.  I also started implementing the "naughty spot" with him.  He does much better with it than his sister ever did.  He screams for less than a minute then calms down and is ready to play again. 

I was in a car accident about two weeks ago.  Thankfully I was by myself and no one was injured.  I am so sad to say the Mothership was a total loss.  She is now on that highway in the sky folks.  Her windshield is free of cracks, her carpet is clean, and her back hatch opens automatically again.  Haha.  I think it is important to say that the accident WAS NOT MY FAULT.  I have copies of the police report for those of you who may doubt me (namely Erob or Alicat).  A new Mothership is currently in the works.  Michael was at the dealership with me today and found a car he liked on the showroom floor.  I told him it $38,375  and he said, "sold, where do I sign?".  Bahaha.

Talk to ya soon,

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jump Around

We finally got a pretty day last Friday to really try out the new trampoline.  I seriously think the taters could jump all day, but B and I both felt winded after about ten minutes.  It didn't matter because the kids loved just jumping all around and on top of us while we were laid out "resting."  It is cold again now, but we have the memories (and sore legs) to keep us going.

Never trust your husband to takes pics of you on
a trampoline.  I wouldn't even post, but I thought
it was notable that I was getting some exercise. :)
AND never trust your wife to takes pics of you on a trampoline.  Bahahaha.
I finally bought a new charger for the Jeep so after months of no wheels E was able to do a little driving.  It's not that I finally remembered, but more that I finally got the right one.  I have been using process of elimination over the past three or four months to decide which charger we need.  You know, just to keep things interesting. 
Baseball season is just around the corner so the boys broke out the ball and gloves and got a little practice in while they could.  I was excited to see the email about baseball signups because it means there is hope that nice weather will come again!  If only I can make through the next two months.

Talk to ya soon,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dear Mr Sunshine

We miss you!  Please shine down on us again.  We are worn out with this dreary weather.  We want to spend some time on our new trampoline, but it is always too cold or rainy.  Here are some pics to remind you (and our momma) of how much fun we can have when you come out to play with us. 

With Hope,
The Farrer Taters 

Seriously hoping for a little break from this weather.  Glad for the warmer temps, but rain rain go away!  It makes me want to eat and sleep.  Neither of which were high on my list of things I wanted to do in the New Year.  Wait, I take that back, sleeping was definitely high on my list of things to do more of in the New Year.  However, being a full fledged adult, wife, mother, and employee I don't really have the option of sleeping away a cold rainy day.  And that makes me a little grumpy.

Talk to ya soon,

Monday, January 7, 2013

What Not To Wear - Even on Christmas Break

We're just getting back from Christmas break and fashion has not exactly been a priority for us lately.  We have spent lots of time in our pj's and we may or may not have scaled back our bathing and teeth brushing routines just a bit.  We take our breaks seriously folks.  After my last What Not To Wear post I mentioned that I would be back with more the next time I cringed when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  Well, it happened.  Let's talk about What Not To Wear out in public even during Christmas break. 

This is the outfit I wore to run errands last Saturday.  Errands that involved me getting out of the car, walking myself into various retail establishments, and making contact with members of the general public.  I had spent the morning cooking breakfast, doing laundry, cleaning the floors, and dressing the taters.  Before I knew it everyone but me was ready to leave.  I hopped in the car without a thought to what I was wearing.  Not only did I go out in public like this but I tested an elliptical machine while Brent looked at weights in a sports store.  Must have been quite a sight!  I didn't notice until later that evening how crazy I looked.  My self pics are terrible so I also had the taters try to take some full length pics of me.  This is the only one that turned out semi ok.  I looked a little pregnant/bloated in most of the others.  I think it was just the angle...definitely the angle.  Haha.
T-Shirt: Hand me down from my old neighbor.  It is old, very pilly, over sized, and major comfy. 

Navy Sweater: This is actually a cute piece I snagged from sisters closet at some point.  It just prefers not to be worn with sweatpants and a peace sign tee.

Sweat Pants: I bought these on craigslist when I was pregnant with E.  I have no idea why I purchased sweats on craigslist, but I did.  In the three years I've owned them they have shrunk a bit so they are way too short to wear with tennis shoes.  Hence, I chose to tuck them in to my slipper boots.  Confession: I have actually "tight rolled" them a few times and worn them with flip flops or TOMS.  No Words. 

Red Buffalo Plaid Slipper Boots: My mom bought these for me a couple Christmas's ago.  They are sort of a cross between slippers and boots.  I think the intent is slippers but they have a thick enough sole I can get away with wearing them out and about.  I am not saying I should wear them out, but I do.  The elastic top also makes them oh so convenient for a girl to tuck her too short maternity sweatpants in to. 

Total Cost: $3?!?!  I don't really remember how much the sweats cost, but if I paid more than $3 to some girl on craigslist I was robbed. 

And just because it makes me laugh...M also had a What Not To Wear moment while shopping with my mom and sister this weekend.  He tried on skinny jeans.  I guess he is proof that just because you're skinny it doesn't mean you can wear skinny jeans!
Talk to ya soon,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Hip Hop New Years Eve

I bid farewell to 2012 in bed, around eleven o'clock, watching this...

VH1′s 40 Greatest Hip-Hop Songs of the 90s

What can I say...we obviously like to live on the edge and have a deep appreciation for good music.  I can actually only remember staying up until midnight a handful of times over the years.  It's funny because I normally stay up past midnight every night, but when someone tells me I HAVE to stay up I suddenly can't keep my eyes open after 9 pm.  I guess I'm not a pressure player. 

B and I were able to getaway for a couple of days after Christmas without the taters so we spent New Years in Branson.  We had fun and were able to do some things we like to do but don't always get a chance to.  We slept really late every day, ate wherever/whenever we wanted, watched three movies, and did some leisurely shopping (heavy emphasis on leisurely).

I am a people watcher so I was pretty excited about the view from our room.  Each morning Brent would go to the gym and I would sit right here and watch people for an hour or so.  For my amusement, or maybe because they are paid to do so, the housekeeping crew at the hotel wheeled massive carts of linens across the street every morning.  I would have missed this had I decided to go run on a treadmill or something.  I was talking to M on the phone one morning and he asked where daddy was.  I told him daddy was in the gym and I was in the room.  He replied, "oh yeah because you don't workout."  Heehee.

The kids had a blast with their grandparents and didn't want to come home.  The older taters even stayed one more night after we got back.  We are glad they love and enjoy spending time with their grandparents.  I'm so thankful for this one on one time with my love man (that's for you B)!  It was a relaxing and refreshing way to start the New Year.   

I'm not much for resolutions but have been thinking about doing the One Word 365, or at this point 359.  I think I know what my word is going to be.  Anyone else participating?  I'd love to know what your word is.

Talk to ya soon,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Witty Christmas Post Title Here

I thought for about ten seconds a long time and couldn't come up with a clever title for this post about all things Christmas here at the House of Farrer.  Please feel free to be more creative than I had the energy to and insert a title of your choice. 

We started our Christmas celebration on Sunday with a Sweeney family Festivus.  Ok, ok, I think I was the only one who considered it Festivus and am pretty certain the rest of the family doesn't even know what Festivus is.  But...there was food, family, feats of strength, and possibly some airing of grievances so I think all we were missing was the pole. :)  There were a few sickies in the fam so we were short some of our favorite people, but we all tried to have a good time anyway.

Jonah's First Christmas

Susie, Deb, and Danny 

Ellie Rose and Meemaw

The Tyrant Tater snacking
Cousin Lindsey and her husband Cody are about 
to welcome twin girls to the family in a few short
Cousin Love
Feats of Strength
Wrestling the head of the household

Christmas Eve all of Brent's immediate family headed back over to his parents house for our annual Christmas Eve feast and program.  Traditionally we go to church Christmas Eve night but B was sick this year and I was slaving over a green salad to contribute to our dinner so we didn't make it. We ate a big ham dinner, read the Christmas Story, and the kids sang songs before we opened presents. B's parents recently had most of their old home videos converted to DVD so we watched some of those late into the evening.  It was so much fun to see the Farrer and Sweeney families at Christmas 25+ years ago. 
Karel, Meemaw, Sara and my SIL Leah
M asked if he could wear his tie because he wanted to look like a mayor!
 E singing "Jinger" Bells

 M singing an original song of his about the meaning of Christmas. 
 E got a new bike and has been riding it all around meemaw and peepaw's house.
M got a new train track and he is all about it.  Seeing him play with this made me realize he has almost outgrown his Thomas train tracks.  :(
 And...IT JUST KEEPS GOING.  Christmas morning we open presents and stockings at our house before we head to my moms for breakfast.  This year we set out cookies for Santa, but since M knows there is no Santa he wanted to get up and eat the cookies to help surprise E.  We agreed to let him and he was so excited to be part of the secret!  Brent had to drag the taters out of bed around 8:30.  We are fortunate to have late sleepers and even on Christmas they were trying to get all the zzz's they could.  We got the kids a trampoline this year. It ended being a little anti-climatic because it was absolutely  freezing Christmas morning and hasn't warmed up much since.  Jump time has been scarce.  Oh well, they will love us for it in the Spring. 

My mom's tree was sooo pretty!
Rhett and Nanny
Funny cousins
Ali and Ellie listening to the Christmas Story.
Mandi and Brey
Every year my mom does waffles, Canadian bacon sandwiches,
and orange slices for Christmas breakfast.  YUM.
Brent and I took all of our lights and decorations down the Thursday after Christmas because we were just ready for it to be done.  M cried when I took the tree down and asked if we could just leave it up for decoration all year. Such a sweet boy.  We were out of town this weekend and there were still decorations up everywhere.  I started feeling like maybe we rushed the take down a bit.  :/

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!

Talk to ya soon,