Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Whole Lot of Not Much

I've been busy the past few weeks and haven't had time to post.  Unfortunately, I can't really remember what it is that I was so busy doing.  I don't have anything exciting to talk about.  I think I'm in one of those spells where I'm doing a whole lot of not much.  I talked to a friend the other day who said he was still stuck in 2012.  Based on my having very little recollection of the past couple weeks I think I might be stuck there too.

After that intro I am sure you can't wait to find out what fascinating things I must have to share.

We had some nice weather (always exciting to open with the weather), and the kids played outside a bit.  R loves riding in the back of the jeep.  He is just a little bit crazy.  He only fell out once or twice maybe a handful of times.  Going forward he should probably wear a helmet. 
The littles also got to play at the mall playground while M went to a Build A Bear birthday party.  He brought home his third bear "Camo".  He is already trying to coerce me into buying new clothes for Camo, and I have made it clear that I absolutely refuse to buy any new BAB clothes until they grow out of the ones they already have.  :)  :)

 The above photos were taken right before E through a HUGE fit over my not letting her go to BAB and get a new bear like M.  It was a fall out on the ground kicking and screaming fit.  I was embarrassed.  I may have for just a split second wished she was not mine.  I panicked and, in a true show of my expert parenting skills, bribed her with new shoes, sunglasses, cookies, and a slushee.  I know, I know...I am creating a monster.
The Tyrant Tater got a new booster seat (it just gets more and more riveting today) and I have seen a huge improvement in his eating.  I think he likes sitting at the table with us instead of in his highchair.  I also started implementing the "naughty spot" with him.  He does much better with it than his sister ever did.  He screams for less than a minute then calms down and is ready to play again. 

I was in a car accident about two weeks ago.  Thankfully I was by myself and no one was injured.  I am so sad to say the Mothership was a total loss.  She is now on that highway in the sky folks.  Her windshield is free of cracks, her carpet is clean, and her back hatch opens automatically again.  Haha.  I think it is important to say that the accident WAS NOT MY FAULT.  I have copies of the police report for those of you who may doubt me (namely Erob or Alicat).  A new Mothership is currently in the works.  Michael was at the dealership with me today and found a car he liked on the showroom floor.  I told him it $38,375  and he said, "sold, where do I sign?".  Bahaha.

Talk to ya soon,

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