Oh, and...one of the taters peed on the couch his/her bed and my bed within a twenty four hour period. Another tater pooed in his/her bed one afternoon. Yet another tater threw up on the same couch that had previously been peed on (sit on the couch at your own risk in my home folks). The heating element in my dryer went out. My washer started leaking water. I slept on just a mattress for a few nights due to above mentioned excessive peeing plus broken washer/dryer. The tyrant tater decided he doesn't want to go to bed until after midnight every night, and that's only if I lay down with him. So I've also been busy just taking care of business 'round here. I am, however, very grateful for the furniture we have to be peed on/in and for the ability to do laundry in the comfort of my own home. :) I am also grateful beyond measure for a MIL who volunteers to take sick taters for the night so their mommy can rest. Yes, she really did do that. Isn't she wonderful?
Anywho, July is getting away from me (or I guess has pretty much already gotten away from me) and I wanted to post a few photos of our July 4th trip before I completely forget it ever happened.
We went to Lake Ft Smith the weekend after July 4th. B's parents kept the tyrant tater for us so we could take the boat and actually get to spend some time on the lake. He was also just getting over his ear infection so he wasn't exactly vacation ready yet. We stayed in a cabin at the LFS state park. It was one of the nicest state park cabins we have stayed in. B said they were brand new in March of this year. We ate all of our meals outside and had smores every night. I may have even said something crazy like I never want to see a smore again before we left. I totally take that back now.
We were able to spend an entire day on the lake fishing and swimming. This was E's first time out in the boat for an extended time and she did great. I thought she would get bored, but she was really into the fishing. She is a girl after her daddy's heart. M is not so into the fishing so he alternated between swimming, asking when he could swim again, and asking to drive the boat most of the day. I am not a fan of swimming in lakes so I only got in with him for a second. It creeps me out not being able to see what's below me. Ever seen River Monsters or heard of the Loch Ness Monster? I'm not taking any chances.
They had a nice pool at the park so we spent some time there too. One evening the Farrer's brought TT down to visit and ate dinner with us. I was happy to see him. It's always hard for me to be away from the taters even though I know they are getting the best possible care from their grands.
Hello TT! |
M got into his first scuffle at the park playground with a boy who had quite the little mouth. I knew M meant business when he said That's it...no more mister nice guy. Bahaha. Such a funny boy. They ended up on the ground and B went over to break it up. You know, we didn't want the other boy getting hurt or anything. ;) As he was walking over the boys dad kept repeating you've done it now...his daddy's coming over. I am not sure what he was implying B would do? We laughed about it afterward.
This is what the taters looked like about five minutes after we got in the truck to head home. That truck, by the way, had no air conditioning. I just wanted to point that out so you could appreciate my suffering and sacrifice. Not only did I have to ride in Ole Blue all the way to Lake Fort Smith, but I had to do it with no air conditioning, in July. We rolled the windows down and it is probably a miracle no one passed out from the exhaust fumes. Ole Blue is a looker, but she's just...well...Ole.
That's all I've got for now. Actually I have lots more but school starts tomorrow so I need to get in bed. I have to get this party crack-a-lackin early tomorrow morning. First grade waits for no tired momma.
Talk to ya soon,
gosh i feel pretty guilty saying i was on vacation enjoying the beach!! we r all so blessed to have norma and frank as they are awesome grandparents!! i miss those babies..