Monday, July 30, 2012

Spiritual Birthday

This weekend Brent and Michael floated the lower Buffalo River.  It was M's first two day float trip, and he absolutely had a blast.  We were nervous about how he might do being in a canoe for so long two days in a row, but he loved it.  B made sure they did plenty of fishing and swimming along the way!  It is probably too much info for most, but in case there are any Buffalo River enthusiasts out there....they floated Harriet to Rush, and camped near Buffalo Point.  Earlier this year B floated Gilbert to North Maumee and said it was much prettier on that part of the river than the part they floated this weekend.  He also said there were lots more fish on Gilbert to North Maumee stretch. 

I asked for pictures, and this is what I got.  I guess I should be happy he took any at all!

This is M "tuelaxing" in the water with his root beer.
I know I shouldn't, but I love that he still mixes a
couple letters up once in awhile!!

Friday night at the campsite the boys spent some time talking about Jesus, why he died on the cross, and what that means for us.  M has shown an interest in being saved for a long time, but he finally prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart on Friday night!  July 28, 2012 will go down in the Farrer Family record books as M's Spirtual Birthday!

He was excited to go down Sunday to make his profession of faith, and ask to be Baptized!  Walking down the aisle I tried to hold his hand, but he only wanted to hold his dad's hand.  :)  This made me a little sad, but at the same time I am thankful for the special bond he shares with his dad.  I am so grateful for a husband who is involved in his childrens lives, and cares about their spiritual as well as their physical well being. 

Here are a couple pics of the boys after church on Sunday.  E went home with Pawpaw and Meemaw so she was MIA.


Talk to ya soon,

Friday, July 27, 2012

Show Us Your Life ~ How You Display Pictures

Linking up with Kelly's Korner for Show Your Life - How You Display Pictures in Your Home.  I have done a little work on the picture displays in our house recently so I am excited to be able to share!

These are the 12x12 faux canvas prints from wal-mart, and I just recently bought the plastic letters to go under them.  They are on the wall in our living room.  I really like the way it turned out.  I know there are a lot of places you can purchase canvas prints, but I think the wal-mart ones are a really great value.  I don't want to invest too much in canvases because I will probably want to change them out fairly often.

 This is another faux canvas from wal-mart that I hung inside an old gray frame.  When I added the black/white FAMILY letters I got a little off center so I drew a heart on an old scrabble tile to balance it out a bit!
I bought these refurbished frames and window from a local flea market.  I added the wire (jewelry wire from the craft section) to the frames, but the window came with the chicken wire already on it.  I love this look, and love that I can easily switch the pictures out any time I want.  I probably need to replace all the big clothes pins with minis.  I think they look better. 

On our dining room buffet we just prop alot of black and off-white frames up for display.  It is easy and it saves me having to hang them all on the walls.

I recently hung this twine rope on the wall by our garage door to give the kids a place to display some of their school projects and artwork.  We had something similar in our old house and they really like having a spot to put the special things they have made. 

 Talk to ya soon,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chuck E Cheese with a Snowcone on the side

M cornered me about a couple of weeks ago and tried to talk me into going with him on his next class field trip (they take a several a week in the Summer).  I told him I thought I had to work, and probably couldn't get off...blah blah blah.  BUT he persisted.  AND I started to feel guilty because I hadn't been to any of his field trips this year, and according to him "all the other parents" had.  So I agreed that I would come to the next field trip.  Imagine my distress when I looked at the calendar and realized the next field trip was none other than Chuck E Cheese!  Why hadn't I volunteered to go to the County Fair...or maybe even the Christmas Train in December?

That evening I casually mentioned to Brent that M was wanting "one of us" to go on the next field trip with him, and that it was at CEC.  To my extreme delight B volunteered to go right off!  Honest, no begging or whining required on my part.  Rescued by my knight in shining armour who chivalrously rode his horse into the den of a a giant mechanical mouse in my stead!  I really can't thank him enough...CEC birthday parties are as much as I can handle.  I draw the line at field trips.

Look at these kids.  I feel frazzled just looking at the pictures.  How do teachers do it?!?!  In true Southern fashion I am going to throw a big "Bless Your Heart" out to all the teachers I know!

  Michael and his good friend K from DOCK.  K is so sweet and he always looks exactly this with a BIG SMILE on his face.  Sweet boys!

In other late breaking Farrer Family news...E had her first snow cone the other day and I feel the need to document it!  R was asleep so I stayed in the car with him while B helped the kids order their icy goodness.  I asked him to take a couple pictures and this is what I got...Dads take the best pictures ever! Haha.

I think maybe hers was a little sour?
 The kids wanted me to take pics of their tongues when we got home.  I guess for E it wasn't so much her tongue as her entire face that was stained!  For the past week or so she asks me if her teeth are Blue every time we brush them.  :)

 And just because I don't have a picture of the littlest tater in this he is livin' it up in his car seat.  Someone the other day called his snack cup a baby Kong (like the toy you put little snacks in for your dog to keep them entertained)...I had never thought of it before, but it is very similar!
Wave your hands in the air!

Talk to ya soon,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hair & Makeup

Ellie and I had a little mother daughter hair appointment last Friday.  I got the Klum bob I talked about last week, and Ellie got a long bob too.   Thank you Leah at Illume Salon for always doing such a great job with my hair.  If you are in the market for a new hairdresser check her out!

Without further we are sporting our new weaves.  :) :) 

I think Ellie's hair has really come a long way.  Just a few short months ago she was experiencing some real issues with her mane. 

This was her first hair cut and she took it very seriously. 

Just like she has always taken her makeup and beauty routine very seriously.  Currently, I think her personal makeup motto is something like "it's all about the mascara ladies."

We finished our little outing with sonic cherry vanilla cokes.  It is important to me that E learns a girl needs to stay hydrated after a long morning of hair therapy!!  I am so glad the lord has blessed me with a precious girl to share special mommy/daughter moments and experiences with! 

Talk to ya soon,

Friday, July 20, 2012

Show Us Your Life - Foyers

Linking up with Kellys Korner again for Show Us Your Life - Foyers.

My foyer is definitely the most boring space in my home. It is a small area and very open with no large walls or room for furniture.  We have a nice storm door so I leave the front door open a lot to let in light and so I can see the pretty tree and flowers in the front of the house.  I would love some input on how you think I could spruce it up a bit! 

View of Foyer from Living Room

View of Foyer from Dining Room

The sad lone decoration in our Foyer

Little table by the door I bought at a flea market
when B and I first got married.  I still like it. 
Talk to ya soon,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Randomonium

I have a lot of random thoughts this evening so I going to do a "Randomonium" post.  I may make a Thursday evening habit of it, or I may not.  I am just random like that.  :)

Ellie was taking bites of a week day old chicken nugget in the car this evening, chewing it, and then spitting it at Michael.  He was in tears.  She is such a brute.

When I picked Rhett up from school today he was being pushed around in a double stroller with another little tater friend, and they were being fed Popsicles.  No wonder he is so hard to please when we get home in the evening.  Haha.  I am glad my kids go to a pre-school where I am confident they are loved on by the staff!

My house is a disaster lately.  I just can't keep up with the housework.  Part of the problem is that this is what the kids do when I ask them to go play while I clean.

I can't believe Michael starts school in two weeks.  I keep looking at the school supply list and thinking we need to go get everything.  I just can't bring myself to take him will make it all too real.

I also can't believe my sister leaves for college in less than a month.  I asked her permission to accompany my parents when they drop her off.  She said yes.  I would have went anyway...I mean my little sister is moving over four hours away I need to checkout the setup in her new hood.

I love love love my new refrigerator.  It is so shiny!  It really does make me happy.  When the house is in chaos I just spend a little time near the refrigerator, and all is well again.  Samsung take me away!  Note to self ~ this could also be part of the reason I am not losing weight like I want to.

Ronnie Floyd preached a great message several weeks ago out of Joshua about trusting that God is in control of every aspect of your life.  One of the statements he made that has really stuck with me is "If you RESIST change your life will stall, if you REJECT change your life will go backwards, but if you RECEIVE change your life will move forward."  This is really applicable in my life right now, and probably in the lives of most folks at any given time.  I have decided to be committed to embracing change, and trusting GOD in all things.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to think about change without hearing the stupid country song "Time Marches On" in my head.  B sings lines from this all the time when something happens or changes in the family.  That song is so depressing! 

My laundry is out of control.  For awhile the door to the laundry closet has been able to hold it back, but it is starting to creep out from under the door.  It is absolutely begging to be folded.  I keep a broom right inside the door in case it would ever decide to stage a coup, and replace with me someone who enjoys housework!

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow. Nothing big, but the length is starting to feel a little overwhelming. I want a long bob similar to what Heidi Klum had a few years ago (no bangs though). I am nervous that it might make me appear "larger" than I do now...I wonder if Ms. Klum worried about that too. :) I may post a picture, or I may not. As I said before I like to keep it random.

Talk to ya soon,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Branson Trip

This past weekend we took the kids to Branson for a little fun in the sun.  We used to go pretty often and hit up Silver Dollar City, but hadn't been in about two years.  My parents and sister went with us, and made the whole trip better! 

We stayed at a Marriott Resort property called Willow Ridge Lodge.  It was great, and I would highly recommend it for families traveling to Branson.   There was so much to do, and we were able to stay at the resort and chillax most of the weekend.

We were able to do some of our favorite things.  WARNING: Lots of pictures to follow!!

M was a big fan of the large hot tubs.

Lots of Cannonballs

Pool Noodle Race - M and his friend Logan finished LAST!

This guy gets mean with the water guns.  He was overheard saying
"Ali thinks she's protected because she thinks I won't shoot Ellie." 


The pool snack bar served Nachos...yum!  I LOVE snack bar

Ice cream

More Ice Cream

Make your own sundae at the Cabana

Lunch at the landing


Ping pong anyone?

They had a little kiddie room where baby boy could play.

M would have spent our life savings trying to get
that Tiger at the very front right of this machine.

Spending time with loved ones~
Sweet Taters

This is a pic of the kids about five minutes after we got in the car to head home.  Both babies were sound asleep.  :)  I think a good time was had by all!!!

Talk to ya soon,