Friday, June 29, 2012

Show Us Your Life - Kids Rooms

Today I am linking up with Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life - Kids Rooms.  In our house Ellie Rose has her own room, and the boys share a room.  Even when we lived in a bigger house the boys still shared, and it has always worked out well for us. 

Ellie's room was already painted a pale pink color when we moved in.  I think it is Sherwin Williams - Pricilla.  I really like it.  I also like the pretty windows at the front of her room.  I would love to buy a chandelier for in here instead of just having the ceiling fan, but we run our fans all the time so I am not sure I would like not having one.

The small quilt at the bottom of her bed was made by my
Aunt.  She has made one for each of my kids when they were
born.  Hopefully they can pass them to their children one day!

This is her little homecoming gown and bonnet.
Someday I would like to have it put in a shadowbox.
I bought plain wood letters at hobby lobby, painted them, and
added the ribbon.  I love the way the turned out.
Play area with her little kitchen, and dress up clothes.
We use Rhett's old moses basket to store all her stuffed
Pretty windows. 
Her nightstand used to belong to my sis, and we inherited
it when she decided to re-decrate her room.  I love it.
View from the other side of her room. 
 The boys room is a little small, but we keep things well organized and it works great.  We store toys in the flatter plastic bins and put them under the bed.  This helps keep them organized/separated and gives them a home when not in use.  I am hoping the sports theme will carry them through a few years...because boys never get tired of sports - right?

With the exception of the crib all the furniture in this room was
Brent's when he was a kid. There are even places where he carved
his name (and the names of girls he liked at the time) into the wood!
My SIL gave me these cute metal framed football
and baseball pics.  There are pretty old, and so cute.
I ordered these black and white baseball prints off
ebay.  They are prints of signed photos of Babe Ruth,
Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle etc.  I really like them.

The quilt on Rhett's crib is also one my Aunt made!

The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile was given to Michael by his
MeeMaw.  It is a piggy bank.  He LOVES it so I think it will be
around for awhile!

I have never been a fan of posters, but M really wanted this one
and I caved.  The marine flag we bought at the Naval Air museum
in Pensecola while we were on vacation.  He has another similar
flag that is Army, but he uses that one in the "fort" outside.

Well, hope you enjoyed the tour.  I like these link ups because I think it is fun to see how other people decorate their houses.  It's a great way to get ideas for your own house too!

Talk to ya soon,

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A little of this and a little of that

It has been HOT HOT HOT here this week.  I am a big fan of hot weather and don't mind to be out in it, but this has been a bit much even for me.  I am not normally a sweaty type of gal, but I have seriously shed some water weight this week. 

We have been a doing a lot of this.

Ellie is painting my toenails with a blade of grass here.  She was
really intent. I foresee some free pedicures in my future!

 And a little of this.

Michael has been going to VBS at FBC Bentonville all this week.  They have had a HUGE turnout.  I think around 700 kids each day!  The theme is "Sky - Everything is Possible with God."  He is having a great time.  FBC was our home church for many years and we still have lots of good friends there.  They do an amazing job with their kids programs.

My goal here was to get the really awesome stage
decoration in the picture.  Obviously a photography
fail.  But at least this cute kid jumped in the pic.

I would like to think this is some move that goes
with one of the songs they have been learning, but
I suspect it is a Michael original!

He specifically requested a photo in front of these flags and the
Marine flag above.  Quite the patriot!
We have also been inside alot when the heat just gets to be too much.  Rhett has been perfecting his scooting, and melting my heart with those big grins (this skill was perfected months ago).  Ellie has been honing her dance skills with the assistance of the cast from Yo Gabba Gabba!  She is a nut.

Hope you are enjoying your Summer and staying cool!! 

Talk to ya soon,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fun Weekend

We had a fun and busy weekend around here.  Our niece Ashleigh helped us to kick things off in grand fashion by bringing our great-nephew Jonah into the world at 3:30am on Friday.  She did a wonderful job and he is a beautiful baby (photographic evidence below).  Ellie is quite taken with him.  We have spent a lot of time the past few days lovin' on this little guy.

Brent had planned to take M camping this weekend, but ended up having TONS of homework.  So we opted for a good ole backyard campout for the big kids instead.  They had a blast.  We setup the kiddie pool, the firepit, and their little tent.  We made sure they ate way too many smores and stayed up into the wee hours of the night annoying our neighbors!  Ellie didn't want to sleep overnight in the tent, but M did so I toughed it out and slept in there with him.  Let's just day I was barely able to get get myself out of it the next morning!  Ouch.  I remember now one of the reasons I am not a fan of camping. 

Saturday morning Michael took Brent to play 9 holes at Branchwood.  M just turned six and in Bella Vista you aren't allowed on the courses until you're six so this was his first time to go.  He has had his clubs for a long time and was super excited.  Brent said he did a great job.  Michael told me his favorite part was the ball cleaners at each hole, and he said he thought it was mean for them to have a pond that you couldn't get your ball back out of!

 Saturday evening we just hung around the house, and I snuck over to see Baby J after I put my baby Rhett to bed!  Sunday we spent time with Brent's family.  His mom always make a HUGE lunch after church and we all go over there to eat, laugh, argue, and then laugh some more!  I will have to post pics of our Sunday dinner and crowd one day because it is really impressive.  A big shout out to my MIL, Norma, who makes it all possible!  We are so blessed to have most of our family here near us.  We have close relationships with all of them, and get to spend alot of time together! 

Talk to ya soon,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fashionably Late to the Party

Ok, so I am finally jumping on the bandwagon and starting a blog.  My main purpose is that I thought this might be one of the best ways for me to "life journal" for my kids and family.  Keep track of the events and happenings in our day to day life.  It goes by so fast I have a hard time keeping up!  I also have a slightly obsessive personality, and recently have been obsessing over these yearly blog books I see people have.  I want one of my own!!  So...I am setting the wheels in motion now.  I have a couple of posts in the works about what we have been up to lately, and then hope to post ever so often about what we have going on.  Talk to ya soon!
